Zir0h: I really enjoyed working on this with six eight two. it was a cool a idea to start and I really like their composition work when splicing samples and making cool little beats. The little nuances they make with their hooks, and where do you even find this stuff omg it's really cool! I hope this artist continues making music.

10/10 would totally work with this artist again.

I hope you enjoy our little Ratchet trap

and, as always,

Stay Classy <3


682: first collab in the bag lets goooooo - but honestly though, I would have been honored just from Zir0h wanting to make a track with me and having it fall through, so you can safely bet that I'm ecstatic to have put one out with them. the mf did some things in this song that I can't even figure out while having the draft open in front of me. hope ya'll dig what we buried, and hope we can make more in the future!

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  • Republished

    now available for download

  • Is that rupaul?!

  • that sub is awesome, bright production, if you want o bring the mid high section up you can use a slope and find a nice frequentie and mix that, or maybe an exiter, nice job :~)

    • thanks for listening! and thanks for your crit! i really appreciate it :3 ill try to implement that in my upcoming release. thanks!

  • Republished

    minor level adjustments

  • I still feel like the mid-high sounds need to come out more >.<' im sure I'll be neurotically tweaking this tonight lol

  • I just got on here to a notification saying there were 45 comments on this song and I've clicked on it, and there are zero, did I miss an entire purge or was this a bug?

    • You missed a zoomer purge