For a while I've been fighting with myself about staying on Audiotool or leaving, and it has come to my conclusion that I will leave. I hope it will be permanent. Audiotool has helped me in a lot of ways. But my addiction for it has become to strong. I'm on it all day everyday, whenever I get the chance, and it is completely un-healthy. Especially that it's affecting my school work. I've failed 3 grades, and now dropped out of high school, all because I couldn't do my damn job. I'm sorry for any inconveniences, like collabs and such. I am also mega fucking depressed right now, and am feeling very impulsive. Plus AT has become a very toxic place, and I always somehow find myself in the drama. I will continue to make music in Ableton, but I don't want to be on this site anymore. I may of made the wrong choice, but it was either this, or deleting my account. I am also wanting to get good at music, and this is holding me back a ton. Though I know I will regret my decision, I also know that it's for the better.


EDIT: Also no one fucking likes me, the second I say something "bad" everyone fucking attacks me. It makes me feel useless and un-wanted, and a waste of energy. I don't care if you think I am over-sensitive, cause I am. But I've always been told that everyone's feelings matter, and I know that most if not all of you have been taught that as well. Yet you continue to be the little shit you are today.


Here's all my tracks ever: All Client's tracks (mostly experiments)

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  • farewell and good luck

  • Man.

  • D:

  • I mean I haven't spoken witchu in forever, but I wish you the best. We'll always remember you here as the person who raised the production standard on audiotool. One of the best for certain.

  • sorry to hear that. i hope that your lifes goes in the right direction.

  • I better not ever see you on here again if you're actually going to leave.

    • If he can find a way to block people out that have caused him trouble or not become so addicted to being on here then by all means I'll be happy for his return. I just don't him finding his way back here again like he has before just to say he will leave because he keeps facing issues.

    • It means I don't want him feeding his addiction or being harrassed on here. If he feels leaving will be better for him I'm all for it. Of course I don't really want him to leave but at the same time I'm not gonna try to wish him to stay just for me.

    1 more
  • Dropping out of High School because of something that you like doing more than High School is not a bad thing, it just means you have a different road to go in this life and you should consider it as a gift, not something that should not happen my client guy. :) It'll all solve one way or another just give it the time.

    • There is a great emotion control technique that I am practicing lately too, and it really makes your life easier. As an example I will give you this - you know those moments when you are about to write an impulsive emotion-based message to someone? Write it, but don't send it yet. Go to sleep and when you wake up the next day, look at what you wrote, and if you feel that you are still ok to send it, only then do it. It works on everything like a charm.

  • 3 1 b p m w at? ? ??

    • Also hang in there man Im sure lots of people feel you. I know I do. I say this to myself all the time anymore wen Im on here since I first left. And I know its sounds dumb but bear with me, in the words of young OOB, "You can't leave AT, cuz wunce u do, it haunts you forever." Its the reason I came back and im sure its the reason some other people came back. Now I maybe talking straight bull, but Ive held on to the statement for a long time now and I never thought Id be more right.

  • Client the same thing happens to me I have got bad grades because audiotool. And I have never got bad grades.


  • I was wondering when this would happen

    now I know

    • good luck sir

      even though you won't be seeing this