I have decided to add a new pad called Pad 11 for this song. (Sound is now updated to Pad 21) while Pad 11 plays though the music. Pad 21 has a soft and mellow sound with a natural, slight wave and bounce sound. It also has a somewhat noticeable glide sound. My favorite use of Pad 21 is when the fourth notes appear at 2:53 or when it is more noticeable and starts around 11:20 . The notes have an unbalance sound like that of South Western Baranquon . I think that it adds well to the alien sound and moodiness of the music. I think the pad adds well to Pad 10 which is somewhat the opposite. Pad 10 appears at 13:16 . The chords is mostly neutral. At the same time, it has light but intense melancholic elements. This music is set for a relaxing environment. Examples: Music for relaxing in a bathtub, music during house cleaning, music for sleeping and napping, music for sunset, morning and night. Music for grocery and shopping and different environments. Music for watching tv and youtube.

It is good with eating and rain. I think that everything went well together. One of my favorites.

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  • found this recently, this is awesome

  • This is great

  • another great song, keep up the good work, i love this sm!!!!!!!!

  • I am 4 minutes into this, and this song is already genius. The incredible use of the Pad 11 gives me the heeby jeebies. Excellent, amazing, and I can't wait for more.

  • might be the longest track in at history

  • this'll get singles

    if it doesnt m calling rampage

  • It is comforting and ambient. Good job!

  • Republished

    lower and soften pad 10

  • i really like pad 11, the use of the glide/detune really adds some nice dissonance. With pad 10 id probably pull down the volume a bit in the mix, kinda hurts the ears but all in all its still a nice pad sound

  • Amazing. Personally this is able to keep my attention through almost all the run time

    • thank you for listening and glad you like it.

  • That feeling when time isn't pressent you capture so well, great work:~)

  • wow I love it

    • No it's cool, I am glad you like the music

    • Maybe that's why I hear it detuning, and also sorry for not fav this bc I was too interested on hearing it

    • Oh yes, I have used pitch delay and changed the tuning through out the music. Also pad 11 have a wave sound that you may be hearing.

    3 more
  • Ever since I joined audio tool, I thought the Pitch Delay was called Pre Delay

    I guess I'm not looking well