Beating the shit out of satan type beat

Broken knee type beat
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0 I can’t get over how nam cut his legs of like alkida then locked him in a trunk and put the bitch in nuetral and said fuck it straight into the Pacific Ocean
1 holly shit i think heartache lost already
1 oh god that snare is so mean
fukin insane, good job!
6 dissed him so hard he changed his name
3 lmfao i see you
0 lmaoo i hope this ironic
3 I don’t have a knee, I’m offended rahhhhHHH amger
1 two gods duke it out in a beat battle, hell yeah
3 beat my kids type beat B)
0 broken knee type beat lol, this mf
0 oh shit beef??
2 Why a heartache diss track? Pretty cool track but is this diss thing a joke lol, I can't tell
1 damnnnnnn
heartache what you gon do????