I made a couple more edits on the side besides the bpm change but nothing big. This is how I personally would have liked the track to be. Everybody has their own opinion. I was also testing how much my new PC could handle and, man, I am super happy that it can handle big projects like this. Full credit goes to @LAEVENT labs ⚡️ and @abstract

Check out the original track and the ORIGINAL original track

reimagine ft. frij


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  • honestly, Id rather go fast, still nice tho

  • can someone remix this at like 30bpm

    2 more
  • Yeah.

  • yep

  • This sounds like a really hyper Future Bass track, whereas the original is just too much to handle.

  • agreed

  • i personally agree with you kib, but i like this little slowed fown version just as much as i like lavaent's original.

  • Republished

    faster than light edit

  • Republished

    put my own spin on the mid sections drums and the build up drums to counteract them

  • adhd or sell out

  • Republished

    quick edits of edits

  • i like it because i can hear noises :333

  • Republished

    quick edits of edits