what xy did on this project is actually incredible

intro: 0:00
outro: 13:50
soundcloud: (link is only visible to registered users)
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2 -
2 this ripped a hole in me
1 I just looked at it on Spotify and saw my name spelled with an extra letter lmfao.
4 Everyone likes a fast beat to a drum and bass song, that reminds me of Good Looking Records.
2 if you want to hear the extended version of xypher's part you can find it here: MAXIMUM CHARGE (Original Mix)
3 the intro of this reminds me of the Anjunadeep episodes
feels nostalgic
2 We made it into the AT 'Other Essentials' album boys.
2 xyphr's and jdog's parts are still so immaculate
2 charting first
1 why wasn't I invited :(
3 Hm.
It actually hit #1.
5 if anyone wants to be in vol. 3 just ask
2 xy, that glitch synth is hot
3 too cool
3 xyphrs part was amazing, good job, and thanks for screaming in my ear at the end