Mostly sample based. Really bad.

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  • This is actually pretty funny, as I only usually get 30 mins of time on our pc. I do the 30 min challenge every day!

  • “bad”

  • u should make these into templates

  • LOL the preset's name is lush !!!! ahahahah!! I was not expecting that but its so true

  • dude....

    that paddy synth...

    so so so so so so lush!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Great song, man

  • Wait chill big room with deep house hats and vocals? what is thissss

  • >really bad

    >better than half the shit I make

  • wow this sounds liek it wasnt made from AT. how are you so good?!?!?

  • The chords remind me of the music when you start up a ps2.

  • besides the big room kick, this is really peaceful

  • Damn this is smooth though

  • so so so freaking cool

  • Fokn sample user. fgt