could really do with being 6 minutes long though

The synth work is done only on 303's in this one. Drums and FX are sequenced in the machiniste.
This started off a bit differently, but my buddy Mark heard what I was working on and convinced to try a house style beat. I'm glad he did, because I had a lot of fun making it this way.
Have fun listening!
Thanks to contributors!
k0NV3X3d, Neoticx, Shakey, supa_m0nstar, Trancefreak12 for the drum and perc one-shots!
Freesound ( (link is only visible to registered users) )
rutgermiller for the scream
leady for the laugh
Beautiful cover art by fins-pl @ (link is only visible to registered users)
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0 -
0 This is 'Dirty' is the best possible way, a real 'gurner' if you know what i mean, would sort the wheat from the chaff at 4am ;-)
downloaded, my favourite so far
0 good beat
0 good job.
0 thanks guys :D
0 dude teach me how you 303!!
0 Love how you use that crusher, and love that 303! Love the whole song!!!
0 cool stuff :)
0 wow -thanks guys! glad you enjoyed this piece. 1moreastronaut - i am grateful!! :D
0 Amazing did I miss this for an entire week?
Faved, commented and now downloading. This one's going on my phone.
0 GREAT!! Definately groovy - love it around 1.50 - the end.. Great work fauko
0 refave:BTF
0 love that great 303 funky bass grind!!! great stuff :)
0 cant BELIEVE i missed this great 303 work love it!!
0 french :
Wouaaaa ! Effectivement, ça déchire grave de sa mère !