00:30 *Melodic Shoulder Shrugging*

aaaaaayyyyyy congratz on the 300
Here is my entry, also known as hub2.0
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0 -
0 This should win cuz jfc
1 this deserves to beat lux imho
0 nice
1 oi shit i forgot the percs lmao
0 eyyyy
1 i think the real song strats at 1:22
idk that intro
0 ohhhh you guys are welcome
1 Thx for ruining my chanche :D
0 Welp there goes my chances.
0 808 vs Sub
0 this is sick
0 ew that bass is dirtayyyyyyyyyyyyyy
ye you be makin' me thirstayyyyyyyyy
0 THOSE FUCKING 808s FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFffffffffffffffffffffff
7 lmao teq doesn't publish anything for 3 Months and then he pubs in the exact same minutes as me xD fml