creaming rn

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0 -
0 3:20 sounds like something PLUS+ would make back in the day. super dope atmosphere and that background pad is killer
0 every song you make is so high quality :)
3 Amazingggg. Everything here is just spectacular. Definitely a favorite for me! *_*
0 <3
0 i can feel the lag from here but this is sick man
1 Dude the way you made that singing from "Bridges Verse 2" asset sound very great. I like the style of calm and little darkness I would say?? Anyway great stuff, good luck!
P.S: Hoping to hear more songs like this!
0 Lovely!!!!!!!
0 brooooo
0 Yo what the fuck how did I miss this
0 ins aouts, divide four four
7 love the way you used Iceboxes vocals
0 your mixes are always so good
0 The second section is like hardcore with the 4/4 beat sick track dude!
1 goddamn this man never disappoints like holy fuck