this is my finale, i wont be able to make more music from now on, due to Tests and the upcoming Senior Year, wish you all the best and thank you for the best 5 years, and im more than grateful that i could of finished strong.


contributed to @leishka

-"look i might not be the best singer, nor the best musician ever, but i can a sure you that i will always try my 100% for you, and let this be a love letter for you"

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  • dude omg, i never liked it* at first.. but mannn this is literally so good now that i hear it 5 months later

  • ayy

  • i like music with words.

    • But you should also love them with meaning.

  • I wish you all the best my dude. Take care ;)

  • You're such a clickbait kinda guy but imma miss u bb <3

    • Then she can be your lvoe

      and you can be ours <3

    • 6 years to be exact

    • Nah man she's the one I've been in lvoe the whole time

    3 more
  • And good luck w school, my guy. I'll do my best with the mixing on the collab and I'll pub it in a bit.

    • Yh bro, I ain't really leaving till we finish that sweet book!

  • Ah fuck this is great, dude

  • never say never - wish you all the best mate <3

  • you're incredible

  • powerful, good luck!

  • Love you all and goodbye!