Using the DI signals from my recent Ragdoll track, Eterna's Call .

Remix is on so you guys can test it out with real guitars or other sounds

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  • Bro you don't even know how much trap metal I'll be making with this

  • Will do!

  • lets goo dude

  • hell fuken yeah brother

    gonna have to open this up and mess around

  • YOOOOO, I gotta crack this open and get to work!!!

  • Epic. Wanted to try to design my own stuff for a few tracks, but umm... This sounds too good.

  • Hey now this is cool af

    • That last segment my goodness 😅

  • fuck yes

    • I think I did pretty good

      it's missing a bit of that crunch and some parts of the stratocaster samples sound straight awful but it's not bad for a first try

    • I would have never thought about doing this

  • Republished

    more fucking volume fixes, last republish

  • Republished

    volume fixes