Practicing a bit with some drum rhythms at 130 ... I'm having a really good time at these speeds. I still have to polish this track a bit, especially the melody. But I would like to ask you for some feedback before giving the final touches.

Thanks for listening, much love

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  • Pretty nice. My only crit is that the tom-sounding percs lack variation. I do like that the percs as a whole keep changing throughout the song though.

    • thanks for the feedback :)

  • not a fan of this high synth melo. the rest is pretty good

    • I agree. I feel like aside from that I greatly enjoy this track! Good work, @ego

    • thanks for the feedback sndy

  • i like this! i think a 303 line could go well with the melody, which should be repeated longer imo, also you could add some low pitch tom to make the bass part more moving :) i would also try to apply a bit of waveshaper to the low frequency drums :)

    • May try to add a 303, and the drums definetly need some work. Thanks for the feedback!! :)

  • Like it man! Only crit is the drums really, they all need to be mixed in together, levelled and processed a bit more to make them sound a bit more cohesive. Also, the drum patterns themselves are cool individually, but overall and together, they seem a bit random with no clear direction. But ive just read the desc so its not major crit if youre just trying stuff out :D

    • Interesting, ive never really thought about it much either. I guess it comes down to what genre youre making overall. I cant speak for techno/dub/etc cause i dont make it, but in DnB and Dubstep its all about creating a nice groove that the listener can easily follow along to, given that the drums are the rhythmic anchor of a track. There's also a sense of realism to be attained, in the sense that youre effectively your own drummer when it comes to electronic music so it has to sound 'real'

    • thanks for the feedback mate, i really appreciate it! yeah i was mostly practicing a little on this one, but thats an interesting topic I havent thought much abbout: how to give the beat more direction.. any tips on that regard?

  • I think you could make the lead synth sound a bit more organic, otherwise this is quite awesome

    • yeah thats kind of what i want to achieve, but I'm really struggling to get where I want with this one :/ i will keep trying tho, thanks a lot for the feedback, as always <3

  • Nice work dude. Maybe short notes to make the connection between the melodic line. Let me try to be more clear. Suposing your aim is C, maybe a fast climb G>A>B>>>C (1/16 snap, 1/8 triplets also fits awesome). I hope this can gve you some good ideas! Keep on rocking!!!

    • thanks for the advice my friend, muito obrigado! <3

  • I like how the melody sounds. Perhaps you could add a counter melody or some sort of harmony line to make it more complex. It does sound a bit simple.

    • yeah i will try to do something like that tomorrow, today I've tryed so may different things but nothing sounded quite right. just need to let it rest ig , thanks a lot for the feedback :)

  • leave it for i while and get back to it tomorrow ;)

    • Yeah thats probably a good idea, I'm trully starting to hate It already haha cheers buddy

  • i've been struggling with that melody the whole damn morning, i just can not get it to sound as I want it : /