my ears

Yeetus boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
1. Must be completed by Dec 1st. No extensions.
a) one meme (does not have to be in the song; ie: a link in the disc or comments)
b) LO-FI inspired sounds. (not genre bound tho)
c) "NWA600" In the title.
3. Have a good ass time :)
4. When your song is done, leave it on my wall or in the comments of this track.
real talk im so thankful for the community.
The way y'all put up with my bs and my crit really means a lot. Im thankful to everyone who crits my songs and allows me to do the same.
I really think AT is better with us talking about eachothers music.
That being said, Ty so much; ily guys <3
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