Ku kemi lere
Ne ç'vend kemi lere?
Ku na bejne ndere?
---Ne Shqiperi.
Po njeriu vete,
cile do te jete?
--Do vend' e tij.
Ku i duket balta
m'e e embel se mjalta?
--Ne vend te tij.
Ku munt te gezoj
dhe me nder te rroj?
--Ne Shqiperi.
Perse te punojme
dhe te lakmojme?
--Per vend' e tij
Andon Zako çajupi
100 Vjetori i Pavaresis se Shqiperis
( me 28-29 Nenetor 1912)
Where we leve
How we leve playes?
where do us honer?
-- in Albania.
But the man himself,
which would be?
--i would place'.
where it appears to clay
inspiring cause sweeter than honey?
--in his place.
where must enjoy
and honor to live?
--in Albania.
why work
and cry?
--to place'.
a.z çajupi
100th anniversary of the independece of Albania
(November 28-29.1912)
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