i am in Kolachy

Hey everyone this is my first remix competition but 100 OMG RAJ!
Anyway the rules are like right down there so direct your eyes... Down
You can remix any one of my songs (If you want a blank slate use this one)
It has to be at least 1 minute and 30 seconds long
Any BPM above 50 is ok (I go that low sometimes)
No using samples other than risers percs piano keys vocals etc.
Deadline is June first
1st Place: A Shoutout on my next 3 tracks, shoutout on my wall, and a collab with yours truly (if you want)
2nd Place: Shoutout on my next track and on my wall
3d Place: A imaginary pat on the back. (If I were you I'd go for third.)
If you are using the blank slate then put the name of the song followed by a dash, your name, and put "(S.S.'s Remix Comp)"
PS. Keep the remix button on
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0 -
0 Im In
0 Count me in
0 I might join and remix level 2, maybe.
0 cool ill try :)
0 sorry man i would join but i have a song and a lot of stuff in life right now soz
0 yh i'm gonna try to make a remix so yh
0 i might, but im at the mercy of my internet. If its good i'll be able to make something decent, if not well idk
0 Kool. Ill check stuff out.
0 im in