I decided to make a little Composition Competition. :)

here are the rules.

1. the point here is to assemble a team of 2-4 people to make a song.

2. each member of the team can ONLY take over ONE synth.

3. the point is to come together and basically write a musical piece only using one instrument (like an ensemble)

4. the eentries will be judged after the first 5 teams enter their songs. :)

5. the song must be over 40 seconds long.

6. if necessary, you may ONLY use ONE of the drum machines provided, (everyone can work with the drum machine)

7. the prizes will be discussed in the comments


9. must be at least 2 members, and no more than 4 (talk to me if you want me to make an exception)

10. BE CREATIVE!! remember that you can automate the synths as much as you want. you can use any effects available. (the tonematrix is considered an Effect for the sake of the competition.)

11. you can only have one notetrack running from your synth. sort of like you are playing an instrument.

12. the drum machines are optional

I am Eager to see what you all can create. ^_^

(delete the audiotrack from your finished product)

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