So pretty much, I started with the lead. It was originally an idea for a saw bass, but as I was experimenting with it, I decided to make it into a saw lead. From there, I developed the chords and then the drums and finally the fills. At first it sounded really dry so I added a bass and pad to fill in a lot of the empty space. It was a blast to make and it took me a few weeks to a month to create. Some highlights of my favorite things in the project:

1. The snare was really fun to make, because I clipped the end of the audio wave to make it pop, and then I strung it through the bit crusher and eq'd and added reverb. Pretty simple, but it completely added a whole new dynamic to it.

2. I used the rasselbock to resample the bass and I added stutter to the end of every 4 beats. It gave it a nice jumpy flare that is barely noticeable (at least to me) but really creates a lot of bounce. I also use the same effect, but amplified on one of the pads after the drop to continue the idea and create suspense for the final drop.

3. The lead. As I said, I experimented a lot with different effects, such as the wave shaper, the stereo enhancer, etc. I didn't know what a lot of it did when I first joined Audiotool, but I'm glad to have learned, because it works wonders on sound design.

Anyways, good luck to everyone! I don't expect to win, as I'm sure there are many great submissions, but I had a good time making this, so I hope you all like it!


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  • Your underrated dude...

    • Thanks man, but really I haven't got a clue what I'm doing xD

  • i have no feed back but eq.

    this is pretty solid

    • Oof yeah tbh I still have a lot to learn about eq'ing

  • this is probably gonna win