featuring caroline jesalva on violin!


standing eye to eye

with faces from my past,

i lift them off their hooks

knowing they're more than masks.


it seems obvious,

but difficult to do;

every mask you make

must be a part of you.


as i grew up

with her masks hanging everywhere,

they seemed to stare at me.

i barely minded them at all,

i never really noticed.


and when

i'm gone

they'll be right here,

watching my memories,

keeping them safe.


now that

i've gone

to see something new,

they'll be with me,

and so will she

(and so will she)


let's stop for a while.

can't you see? (can't you see)

it's my artistic style,

i'm not just lazy.


my mother,

the maskmaker.


what you heard.


(thanks to heissen and my roommate @coolyjojo for the mixing help)

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  • i attempted to remix this masterpiece when it came out. learned a lot from your draft

  • This is some top notch stuff, damn.

    It's honestly remarkable what you get out of a few ideas

    "I want to work with some weird theory stuff" can lead to some powerful expression. The effort was worth it here. This is lemon demon helping me process childhood trauma or some shit.

    Also tight drums @ 3:03 like that's some tight groove!!

    • thanks nas means a lot! i didn't hide it i think it's just far down on my page lol

    • bruh, did you hide this?

  • okay looking abck at this this is kinda just okay jacob collier worship and basically putting theory and stuf over actual songcraft

    no offense tho, i can tell you put your soul in this! :3 <3

    • those are some pretty reductionist remarks!

  • most gorgeous. you remind me of This Heat, “Paperhats” in particular. wonderful work

    • it's the deepest compliment for someone to relate something i've made to music they love and value, regardless of whether or not the comparison is literal or in essence

    • this comparision oesn't make sense. where can you hear This Heat? this reminds me more of Jacob Collier

    • thank you wightfall! im unfamiliar with this heat thank you for hipping me to them!

  • Damn it's already been over half a year? That's nuts. Good stuff dude, I can't stop coming back to this and listening to it on spotify lol.

    • 7 months? that’s crazy this feels like a million years ago and yesterday at the same time. thank you for your support it means so so much!

  • this is one of the first audiotool tracks that almost made me cry

    that first half holy shit.

    the 2nd is so soothing.

    ofc the drums are also perfect.

    your brain is so big my brain cant handle its greatness.

  • wonderful lyrics, wonderful voice nicoooo

  • i love your music

    • long time no see friend :) miss hearing your music. how you doing?

  • Vocal harmonies are nailing me again man. Whole thing is so fucking sublime

  • I'm felling it man.

  • This is pretty awesome.

  • geez nico wtf

  • jamming out on guitar with the last section mmmm

    • no wayyyy!! pls if u feel like it record and send my way i would so love to hear what you're doing!