if anyone wants to help me out with it.

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  • seems like one of the main things preventing this from knocking is how it's mixed.

    tastes vary, but usually the "levels" are percs over bass over melody/whatever. I'd turn down the melodic parts, turn up the bass (bass should be very audible too, not just sub. hard to get a good balance sometimes) and then percussion should cut through everything (which it does here)

    with slower tempos like this, having more complex and varied percussion adds a lot of energy and goodness to the beat too

    • yo i can invite you to it if you want

    • thank so much bro

    • this is not too bad (there's a lot of cool stuff done in this actually), but it seems like it needs a more trappy mix and some higher-energy percussion and stuff.

      i'm not too good at putting my thoughts to words, but i hope that helps lmao

  • pew pew