Sending a little hello to the entire Audiotool community, I'm delighted to be back and able to focus on my future projects once again. I went through a rather empty period in terms of production, to the extent that by listening to my projects over and over again, I've been liking them less and less. It's quite frustrating and it doesn't give me the motivation to release them. This struggle mainly applies to my DnB projects, especially since I want to surpass my previous tracks like "speed", which both I and you enjoyed. However, I know that striving to outdo another track only hinders the composition process, and I shouldn't fixate on that. That's why today, I'm returning to another style that I love just as much, which also allows me to take a breather.

It's a simple track, without any pressure, but it allows me (I hope) to catch my breath and start afresh. I'm putting aside the pursuit of perfection and just releasing tracks that I enjoy.

I'll also be able to listen to all of you again, to get inspired, discover new things, beautiful compositions, and become more involved in this wonderful community.

I know this message might go unnoticed, but I needed to clear my mind.

Thank you all!

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  • description is really relatable

    • I believe that time, breaks, are our best allies for moving forward and rebuilding ourselves.

    • going through a pretty wanderless phase myself, not sure what to make, and all my old stuff seems horrible lol

  • Nice little track! Try to find joy in the process and not the outcome I guess.

    Although I've lost the production flow too so I shouldn't be giving advice :S

  • I think there is some advantages to making music trying not to compete. I guess I found a way to enjoy my simpler projects, because there's usually something fun to find in anything you create. Quality is important, but it shouldn't come at the expense of, firstly, happiness and secondly not releasing music due to perfectionism. But both are important in their own way. Trust your heart and follow your gut in this. No matter the outcome there is one. And that's the most important thing imo.

    • Thank you very much for this message, I know what I have to do: follow my ideas, follow what I love, and not worry about anything else.

    • Gorgeous track btw. Great job. I can hear that a lot of emotion and relief went into this.

  • like this one so much

  • wow


    I wish you well