I tried to throw some of my deepest feelings in this one. I am at a turning point in life. The kind of massive priority reconsideration that is usually triggered during midlife crisis, except that I am only 22. That's bewildering as fuck. It's like when you are dancing with your 'friends' in a nightclub and you suddently sober up, while everyone else is still completely drunk. So, you feel fucking lonely with your shitty mental clarity. The only difference in my case is that there is no magic beverage to return to drunkenness. Still missing some keys to find my place in this universe, but there are 195 countries to discover, 7.9 billion souls to meet and countless professions to invent, so I am optimistic. I am grateful for having AT and all of you as travel companions, so I wish to share that with you <3

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  • Ponyo loves :)

  • the beginning sounds like Outro - M83, too bad there r no drums tho, great job bro

    • i think it's PERFFF

    • no dont change anything, its just my humble opinion ;) matter of taste actually

    • Merci mec ! No drums except kick because it did not match my feelings at that time. Now that you mention it, some soft and clear high hat or ride could be nice but I refrain myself from altering the track, as it's a photograph of a past mood :)

  • Sweet and soothing

  • Refav man <3

  • I’ve been having a very similar experience in my life except that I’m just 15. I’m always in question of wether I should be enjoying my “prime” years and just live as if nothing matters before I’m old and regret this time or follow my instinct and just contemplate life as if I were already old and grey while those surrounding me fail to even have a fraction of philosophical inclinations and what you put pretty accurately as “shitty mental clarity”. I guess the “midlife” rule is simply

    • Feel you bro, I went through what you're currently experiencing when I was your age. Adolescence is a pretty dumb and tough period. The coming years will help you to progressively clarify that :)

    • Stereotype and it hits people at different ages and with different levels of intensity. Regardless I’m very glad that you’ve found comfort with this community. Those pads are a hella vibe btw ;)

  • "shitty mental clarity" - this is a good title for a song. Do it.

    • yep. another track.

    • Ahah wise words, it's a great alt title ;)

      The thing is that it is a kind of sound painting of my mood at that time. I have already thought about changing things in the draft, but any modification would alter the painting. So, it's the same with changing the title. But I am developping this idea of life's sound painting, so it may be the title of a future track :)

  • never resonated with a track description. until now :)

    • agree with you, and thanks for all these kind words <3

    • not saying that a midlife crisis is a good thing but i mean i feel we all venture life with our own set of obstacles, hope u get to a more settled point and beautiful track too!

    • Happy that it resonates with you buddy (:

  • lotsa texture on this one

  • That accordion sounding pad has a folkish feel which, to me anyways, gives this track a lot of depth.

    You're lucky to have realization like that at a young age. Life is going to be pretty open to you I suspect.

    • I didn't even think about the accordion when designing its sound... now that you mention it, I find the similarities amusing. Glad that it inspires you :) I don't know yet if I am lucky as the transition is pretty tough and slow, but I have hopes for the future. Thanks a lot for you comment :)

  • heart

  • Beautifull! thanks for sharing this dreamy pathway it vibrates hope and blessing so I see you being optimistic and greatfull.

    Keep it up this special gift:~)

    • Thank you Meander, so I really did succeed in translating some of my feelings. Happy to share it with you <3

  • having an early midlife crisis is probably the most relatable thing for me these days when it comes to being very self-conscious.

    hard to explain in my words, but the drive to want to know and do so much plays a role.

    just my two cents.

  • Important and delicate moments, moments in which you can make space inside and outside of you and welcome unexpected things.

    Love the way you translated your feelings into music, it's the most beautiful and difficult thing for an artist to do


    • Thank you for your words Mircode. It really helps me to stay focused on the positive to come <3

  • Yes, life is difficult and at the same time beautiful.Good job !