Dang, comeback to this for nostalgia reason

11 out of 15
vsd is one 'guilty boy' if you catch my drift - mavis
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0 THis hits home not gonna cap
2 i hate 1:56
1 i really love this song man good job. like really good job omg
1 woah!!! this rlly goooooooood!!!!
1 Vr0 this is my favorite song that y'all have made :)
2 Love that lead bro
it sounds like it's on weed
0 Sad boi skio would like this
1 vsd n mavis ??????
0 Could be a AMV TBH
1 Holy shiii
From f zero to zelda XD
1 o snap
2 omfg, it was on full blast and really, i thought my headphones were broken 0_0
2 omg i thought my headphones were broken...scared the crap outta me lol
2 great work guys <3, especially love the drums that kick in at 1:20