I don't know how to feel with this song, I couldn't even come up with a name. Please critic this as I don't know what to think of it (Especially the vocal).

The title was inspired by the sample I used.

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  • that's what gets a track going - a word - a phrase - a sound - a bass line - a vocal - a passing thought ...... wonderful sounds you

  • 100%

  • wow this is really something else :)))) keep up the good work fam

  • Republished

    Fixed weird echoey shit from last repub.

  • Republished

    Added sub, extended, and tweaked a little.

  • love it love it love it :))))))))))))) you're so talented

  • Wow...thanks man, I'm speechless. I'll definitely take your advice with the vocals and work on those in the next repub.

  • i dont know how to critic it

    it's just so perfect

    i love it, beautiful job

    Sometimes, you could use "Speed' on the rasselbock on vocal samples and make them really

    down pitched, add some reverb and EQ it right and you'll get something a bit dreamy imo

  • smooth