datepopular 1 shrimp - with joe & sonic leadenshrew3ZEjoe 1 Trap shrimp 0:02:43 143 3377 2021-07-06 Favorite Share Remix 2 Akuma be like Movrielyour bff <3 1 Birdcore your mum 0:02:09 46 1029 2022-06-14 Favorite Share 3 audiotoolcore section yito ☮ 1 EDM dariacore 0:02:32 45 690 2023-08-23 Favorite Share Remix 4 flea market [demo] viistakurtz 5 Trap optimistic2010s 0:01:25 37 531 2022-01-10 Favorite Share Remix 5 I suck VIOK Bass Music 0:01:32 35 236 2021-05-08 Favorite Share Remix 6 OHhH mY~ XypHRRr CauGhT iN 4K~ Rocka'Chan@wuthoTrappBoiBlack Lotus 2 Birdcore trappboixyphrshitpost101rockashotsrockachanmuhahahahahagotyouuwuwutho 0:04:52 35 371 2022-11-12 Favorite Share Remix 7 wumpus - quickie leadenshrew 4 Bass Music 0:00:20 34 353 2021-09-24 Favorite Share Remix 8 Bound to Roy ↨Greenscoff Experimental jukelo-fi 0:02:40 30 185 2021-07-28 Favorite Share 9 shrimp - with joe & sonic [[PROD.WINTER]] WINTER Trap shrimpwinterhard 0:02:43 22 161 2021-08-14 Favorite Share 10 untitled of the untitled VIOK 5 EDM 0:01:21 21 221 2021-11-18 Favorite Share 11 fl04t1ng itxmi 6 Hip Hop 0:00:37 21 221 2022-08-08 Favorite Share 12 ban you (hardcore remix) GateKeepR 2 Hardcore rapanime 0:01:34 19 291 2022-11-26 Favorite Share Remix 13 remix comp thingy (vueliur failed entery ) #⠀⠀ 7 Other 0:02:49 19 154 2023-04-11 Favorite Share Remix 14 Vine boom type beat @wutho Hip Hop 0:01:41 17 155 2021-11-30 Favorite Share Remix 15 Among Us ꀭꋖꀍꏹꂡꋪꌈꂵꂵꏹꌅ 6 Hardcore 0:06:16 15 223 2023-08-04 Favorite Share Remix 16 shitpost status KVMZOK Experimental 0:00:53 14 80 2021-10-13 Favorite Share 17 5th birdcore track obelus Birdcore yesbirdcore 0:00:14 12 31 2021-10-26 Favorite Share Remix 18 ROB ZOMBIE - SICK BUBBLEGUM (eliiah "gubstep dubste" remix) elii4h Electro dariacoredubstepgubstepskrillexballsballscore 0:02:41 12 77 2022-05-02 Favorite Share 19 Apathy 333-i9 Drum & Bass glitchbreakbeatdanceplunderphonics 0:08:13 11 280 2022-02-28 Favorite Share 20 Challenge #4 - Make a song out of Vizil's fart viruxjbrown7131_stu_maranausd_orgEXOim a mangled messMag.miguel1011genrih_garkavy_gmail_com Newbie 0:02:28 10 122 2020-09-30 Favorite Share Remix