datepopular 1 fail octane 8 Synthwave 0:03:48 9 60 2020-05-20 Favorite Share Remix 2 turn Ty Freestyle Trap 0:01:09 12 75 2020-07-08 Favorite Share 3 lonesome Ty Freestyle Other 0:03:01 12 50 2020-07-09 Favorite Share 4 all night [Ty Freestyle Remix] Ty Freestyle 7 Trap 0:02:18 46 365 2020-07-15 Favorite Share 5 quasar trap Ty Freestyle Trap 0:00:48 16 110 2020-08-09 Favorite Share 6 until we meet again Ty Freestyle Ambient 0:02:33 12 59 2020-08-16 Favorite Share 7 amnesia. (w/ agbeatmaker) reyag. 4 Lo-Fi beatchill 0:01:37 46 459 2020-10-02 Favorite Share 8 Waking Up Roy ↨ Lo-Fi hiphoplofi 0:01:45 24 98 2020-10-02 Favorite Share 9 Hoe Shit Prod. TroubleSounds 4shitTrouble Newbie 0:01:58 0 3 2020-10-26 Favorite Share 10 hppy.thnksgving_[bump.] Mumudotaki.amarimoose is inconsistent AF♡xo.aydree.xo♡ Lo-Fi thanksgivingbumphiphopmichael jackson 0:03:33 27 210 2020-11-25 Favorite Share Remix 11 esperándote a ti. [quotz] Lo-Fi bossa novalofichillskatelovejazzsad 0:00:55 12 55 2021-01-12 Favorite Share 12 /-immina-\ CTG Lo-Fi moodypeacefulchill 0:02:12 1 7 2021-02-04 Favorite Share Remix 13 Forgetting to Forget GateKeepR Lo-Fi melodiclofichords 0:01:14 2 19 2021-02-18 Favorite Share Remix 14 TeSt TrAcK escapiistt Experimental 0:00:58 3 10 2021-03-18 Favorite Share Remix 15 Sweet shade. CTG Experimental electro wavehappywierd 0:02:24 0 5 2021-05-09 Favorite Share Remix 16 Angles we have heard on drums (ballad remix) audiotoolprogramming. Downtempo goodbyeremix 0:04:13 0 6 2021-06-22 Favorite Share Remix 17 Precious, Fragile. 1aeris 2 Downtempo agift4zpixus decaya lovely summerprecious fragile 0:04:53 33 232 2021-06-23 Favorite Share 18 HATE! / luv. (Namahage challenge entry) Airwav. Other classic red vanzhardlofitrap808bangerchillphonkbassvibe 0:03:17 31 312 2021-07-01 Favorite Share 19 FINAOthaDON type beat - Godfather pt 3 $elly Newbie 0:02:11 9 46 2021-07-15 Favorite Share 20 hard or naw? Yeetmanz Newbie 0:02:42 9 52 2021-09-03 Favorite Share Remix