datepopular 1 AKAI Rhythm Wolf Drums Audio Resource Collective Newbie akaisamplesanaloguedrum machinearchardwaresample packanalogdrums 0:01:09 55 589 2019-02-11 Favorite Share Remix 2 Did I just murder my husband? No, of course not! YahYah Lo-Fi mellowpinksoftlowfi 0:08:32 0 10 2019-02-28 Favorite Share Remix 3 did this at school Jammedruger Newbie 0:05:41 0 0 2019-03-07 Favorite Share Remix 4 Untit 2 anastazja_sosnowska Newbie 0:04:16 1 1 2019-06-16 Favorite Share Remix 5 My first song (ExoticSimulation) ExoticSimulation Trap 0:04:16 0 4 2020-08-04 Favorite Share 6 Faruk ÇİÇEK - Trolled trollmaske10 Techno 0:00:32 0 2 2021-03-09 Favorite Share Remix 7 Voices huhnoimyomama Newbie 0:01:58 0 0 2021-04-02 Favorite Share Remix 8 UFO Sighting Lorelei_Sweetiepie Experimental experimentalalienhehscifiimbored 0:03:22 0 1 2021-05-08 Favorite Share Remix 9 Resistance Odsen.Soph 7 Synthwave 0:03:16 31 273 2021-07-03 Favorite Share 10 Another World / The Last Hope Odsen. 2 Techno synthwavetech progressivetech housemelodic tech 0:14:42 47 468 2021-07-10 Favorite Share 11 After Life / Total Climax Of My Soul Odsen. 5 Downtempo trip hopsynthwave outro 0:05:44 19 127 2021-07-17 Favorite Share 12 Vendetta lobri episode 2 Synthwave 0:04:02 13 99 2021-07-21 Favorite Share 13 Propaganda Odsen. 3 Synthwave synth techprogressivesoundtrack 0:05:56 34 302 2021-07-30 Favorite Share 14 RAIN LUCECHiLD Experimental emodarkbasstrap 0:01:10 0 8 2021-10-17 Favorite Share 15 this is hood news crimro Trap 0:04:18 0 6 2022-06-22 Favorite Share 16 Up's and Down's Rue Chiptune happysadhappy and sad 0:03:39 2 22 2022-12-30 Favorite Share Remix 17 clock stopper floydpjasper 2 Lo-Fi minimal2-step 0:02:34 27 298 2024-02-24 Favorite Share Remix 18 poly-what now? SB3 7 Trance giaowfntechnosyntwavedownbeatworthlesspolyrithms 0:00:53 9 74 2024-10-01 Favorite Share Remix 19 Worn Machine gianlucademuner_gmail_com Newbie 0:05:03 0 0 21 days ago Favorite Share Remix