datepopular 1 imthing2 sound kit 4 Underb111te Newbie rwctrwctrtcsample kitsoundkitsamplespenissadisarerieathrhcweirherdrum kitdrumkitsamplekitsound kit 0:00:19 9 62 2021-10-03 Favorite Share Remix 2 purification of heart and soul Kamisha Hip Hop 0:02:17 1 9 2022-01-13 Favorite Share 3 FUCK ZëRo Experimental weirdindustrialbass 0:03:26 2 40 2022-03-10 Favorite Share Remix 4 ain't funny ZëRo Experimental 0:02:08 1 3 2022-03-12 Favorite Share Remix 5 \summm remix ZëRo Experimental glitch 0:01:02 2 10 2022-04-06 Favorite Share Remix 6 LINDA ZëRo Experimental industrialabstractsynthwavetrapglitch 0:02:56 1 7 2022-05-08 Favorite Share Remix 7 ▶Harsh Sound Lab 1 LAEVENT labs ⚡️ 1 Industrial trapsoundtrack 0:00:55 76 1130 2022-05-31 Favorite Share Remix 8 ▶Harsh Sound Lab 1 -worldrequest edit- #⠀⠀ 1 Industrial trapsoundtrackexperimental 0:00:54 28 221 2022-06-16 Favorite Share Remix 9 ▶HSL1_TOXIFIED viista 1 Industrial trapstartingpoint 0:01:20 42 456 2023-01-09 Favorite Share 10 dove 1 Hip Hop 0:01:05 100 3045 2023-05-06 Favorite Share Remix 11 Vanity Killer WPX 8 Experimental idmacidglitchbreakjukefootwork 0:07:02 23 165 2023-07-21 Favorite Share 12 SHAWTY ⛧dxstry dujo† Hip Hop pluggyvngxdujoexperimental 0:00:32 1 24 2023-09-23 Favorite Share 13 >>>sdrawkcaB delleps sdrawkcaB >>> MECH APE GROUP Experimental 0:00:52 0 3 2023-11-19 Favorite Share Remix 14 SLVMBER P4RTY SEGAMARI℠ Hardcore fyelazerdim700 0:01:46 2 70 2024-03-05 Favorite Share 15 XYZ MECH APE GROUP Hip Hop 0:02:21 0 6 2024-03-05 Favorite Share Remix 16 All Saints batweiner Newbie 0:00:57 0 1 2024-11-08 Favorite Share Remix 17 jackpot 162 (November 2024) Underb111te Trap 162bpmloud 0:02:35 9 44 2025-01-20 Favorite Share