datepopular 1 lucki2 maxicedout Newbie 0:01:54 0 20 2018-03-13 Favorite Share Remix 2 Moon child~ ▽Momo▽桃. 2 Hip Hop momohip-hoptraphgdhappy 0:01:22 327 5813 2019-08-11 Favorite Share 3 PREZIDENTIAL BEATZZ 15 Prezidential Beatzz Hip Hop trap 0:01:14 4 74 2019-08-15 Favorite Share Remix 4 Lolita's mix Ryoushirou Hip Hop hip-hoptraphappyhip hop 0:01:07 3 59 2019-09-24 Favorite Share Remix 5 Moon Child ( FXD remix) ☯[VermontBeatzzz]☯ Hip Hop trap 0:01:21 4 46 2019-10-21 Favorite Share 6 Gunna x Lil Baby Type Beat "THUNDER" KAMUI D PRODUCERMumu 8 Soundtrack gunnathundergodskylilboltbabyhidden04zeus 0:03:37 13 130 2019-11-05 Favorite Share 7 Juice Wrld x Young Kamui Type Beat "Ashes" KAMUI D PRODUCER Hip Hop vibeswrldyoungjuicekamuisimpsonbartsadashes 0:03:31 14 225 2019-11-10 Favorite Share Remix 8 Ashes To Ashes DJ PUrG3© Trap vibeschill trapraptrap808ashes to ashesbasship hop 0:03:26 2 5 2019-12-13 Favorite Share 9 Fry Daze KAZ Hip Hop chill 0:02:16 0 1 2020-01-09 Favorite Share Remix 10 grape crush dove 2 Trap 0:00:26 126 2622 2020-01-18 Favorite Share Remix 11 grape crush bubbley Trap 0:00:41 2 44 2020-01-25 Favorite Share Remix 12 DACA MEDIA PRODUCTIONS darknezz Newbie 0:00:26 0 5 2020-02-11 Favorite Share 13 DACA MEDIA PRODUCTIONS darknezz Newbie 0:00:26 0 4 2020-02-11 Favorite Share 14 grape crush (making full in daw) oliverishiding Trap 0:01:34 0 5 2020-02-17 Favorite Share Remix 15 wave.exe $elly Trap 0:03:47 9 47 2020-07-16 Favorite Share 16 too high $elly Newbie xoolinpierreicytwat 0:04:09 4 58 2020-07-28 Favorite Share 17 gxlden ! B$TARDARULA Newbie trap808drexmgxrlchillanime 0:01:57 3 9 2020-08-19 Favorite Share 18 grape crush (smol edit) SHOJO ACID Trap 0:00:24 1 22 2020-08-29 Favorite Share Remix 19 [FREE] Yung Mal x Pyrex type beat-Black Rose $elly Newbie trapyung mal808pyrexhi hatsselly 0:03:36 10 70 2020-10-09 Favorite Share 20 Chroma Force (Audiotool Day 2K20) Gravidon 1 Future Bass atday2020future garagedubstepaudiotoolday2020pianostreets of rageindustrialgaragebreakbeatdubgravidonvibrantspotifysmashchroma force epchroma forcegroovybassmelodicatd2020animediscordauditotoolday2k20 0:04:06 82 1397 2020-12-11 Favorite Share Remix