datepopular 1 SCORPION (HOME OFFICE) volen 6 Bass Music riddimvolenscorpionhome office 0:04:34 23 176 2020-06-15 Favorite Share 2 virusmachine - oh no, another shitpost (volen fuckup) volen Bass Music riddimow my earslmao1 hour challenge 0:00:28 8 38 2020-06-17 Favorite Share 3 THE BRAIN MELTER'S LULLABY volen Bass Music riddimglitched outvolenrockabye 0:03:42 24 197 2020-06-27 Favorite Share Remix 4 SPACE OPTICS volen Bass Music riddimvolenspace ballsglitched out 0:03:15 12 41 2020-06-29 Favorite Share Remix 5 INFEKT - Score (VOLEN REMIX) volen Bass Music fresh afvolenlmaobrcoatriddiminfektremixstayhomeandcreate 0:04:15 12 60 2020-07-05 Favorite Share 6 THE BRAIN MELTER'S LULLABY [ANWE UK FIRST DROP FLIP] anwe [uk] Bass Music riddimglitched outvolenrockabye 0:01:49 7 72 2020-07-06 Favorite Share Remix 7 GLITCHED OUT (CLIP) volen Bass Music riddimvolenglitched outclip 0:01:22 2 31 2020-07-07 Favorite Share 8 GLITCHED OUT (EXTERMINATE RECORDS RELEASE) volen Bass Music press x to exterminatevolenriddimexterminate recordsglitched out 0:04:06 5 32 2020-07-12 Favorite Share 9 Your Everyday Riddim & Industrial Trap Percussion Requirements Vol. 1 (ft. A Bunch Of Other People's Bass Samples Because I'm Too Lazy To Produce & Literally 4 Bars Of An Upcoming Track Of Mine With A Watermark Courtesy Of Jovee) volen Bass Music volenindustrial trapriddimmlg fuckfree drum presets omgdrumslong ass title 0:00:41 4 38 2020-07-28 Favorite Share Remix 10 one of vaulty's riddim semi-shitposts except i whipped out my pp like whipped cream and fucked it up like jules jordan and katie kush *ph intro theme plays* volen Bass Music vault boyvolenriddimmore long-ass titles 0:00:43 2 34 2020-07-29 Favorite Share Remix 11 Dchinghis Khan - Moskau (VOLEN REMIX) volen Bass Music very bassmoskauvolencyka blyat 0:04:55 20 130 2020-08-04 Favorite Share Remix 12 KNOCKAZ & CUBEZ volen Bass Music volenriddimknockazcubez 0:03:46 12 32 2020-08-27 Favorite Share 13 THICCQUENUMBER volen Bass Music volenriddimweirdidfk lmao 0:05:01 7 38 2020-08-28 Favorite Share Remix 14 SCORPION (VIP) volen Bass Music riddimvolenscorpionvip 0:03:59 9 27 2020-09-02 Favorite Share 15 DESERT MADNESS (VIP) volen Bass Music volenold shungiteviplaggy as fucc 0:03:56 5 29 2020-09-02 Favorite Share 16 lame ass 9/8 riddumb dicksuck volen Bass Music volenfuckphonon 0:00:30 9 60 2020-09-09 Favorite Share 17 crowell style T S Bass Music dubstepriddim 0:00:28 21 158 2020-10-02 Favorite Share Remix 18 VOLEN's Audiotool 2020 Riddim Presets For The Poor (FREE DOWNLOAD, FREE REMIX) volen Bass Music riddimbass musicdubstep 0:00:27 5 39 2020-10-03 Favorite Share Remix 19 THE BRAIN MELTER'S LULLABY (VIP) volen Bass Music volenvipriddimglitched outrockabye 0:03:42 15 80 2020-10-15 Favorite Share Remix 20 GHOST CART volen Bass Music volenoh noriddimfrisk epcriminals 0:05:32 23 182 2020-10-30 Favorite Share Remix