Trap Charts, Week #18 / 2022 prev next would have been nico 1 Trap noumenalunconditionedudm 0:02:04 151 4541 2022-04-03 Favorite Share Remix backburner. [po9t remix challenge entry] uzehgyatbeats 2 Trap po9t 0:01:44 81 1572 2022-04-13 Favorite Share Bored of me. (vocaloid experiment) ▽Momo▽桃. 3 Trap hardon goingvocaloid808uzi 0:05:29 107 1500 2022-04-05 Favorite Share NIGHT DRIVE. (snippet) credencefaith 4 Trap phonktokyogemsnamahage 0:01:07 45 468 2022-04-06 Favorite Share Will Smith Smacks Chris Rock (jersey club remix) $elly 5 Trap keepwifesnameoutyourfuckingmouth 0:01:14 139 2219 2022-03-29 Favorite Share vally friday 6 Trap 0:02:12 34 400 2022-04-23 Favorite Share