Trance Charts, Week #8 / 2019 prev next Dance Implosion 2000 Snadbrugen 1 Trance oldschoollow carb 0:07:12 75 1345 2019-02-12 Favorite Share Remix ( Infy + Inavon ) Fruity Ghost InfyuthsionInavon 2 Trance tr-tr-trance 0:05:41 112 2291 2019-01-12 Favorite Share Remix Only 303 Psytrance PsySeeD 3 Trance 303psytrancegoa trance 0:10:10 56 576 2019-01-20 Favorite Share Remix Night Walk Inavon 4 Trance housedepressing 0:08:03 42 601 2019-01-10 Favorite Share Remix Jetdarc's 200 Follower Remix Comp [Celcius Entry] Celcius (older account) 5 Trance do itacid tranceprogressiveremix 0:06:24 20 300 2019-02-10 Favorite Share Remix Darkonis, the Draconian PsySeeD 6 Trance progdarkdarkdarkprogpsytrancepsygressive 0:10:46 23 425 2019-01-31 Favorite Share Clear as Night (Audiotool Day 2018) Inavon 7 Trance deephouse 0:07:44 72 974 2018-12-29 Favorite Share Remix variation, ctrl s k u l 8 Trance 0:09:50 20 205 2019-01-14 Favorite Share Remix lead me 2 da fire arty 9 Trance hippiemusicedmdancepsychedelic 0:03:48 5 69 2019-01-26 Favorite Share The 32 Bar Reharmonization Adventure PsySeeD 10 Trance psytrancegoa trancefullonpsy 0:07:56 5 94 2019-01-30 Favorite Share Remix