Techno Charts, Week #34 / 2019 prev next on the edge of tomorrow Christian-ChromGoatboy 1 Techno 0:04:00 28 414 2019-07-27 Favorite Share Remix perc Kepz 2 Techno 0:06:17 39 475 2019-07-22 Favorite Share Sunset Kepz 3 Techno dub techno 0:06:34 50 507 2019-07-21 Favorite Share Remix 909 + reverb [pe] 4 Techno dirtyhard909142 bpmcinematicreverbbass 0:06:45 17 166 2019-08-10 Favorite Share Remix voyd inspired stuff kurp 5 Techno 0:01:01 18 169 2019-07-26 Favorite Share Remix A Deal With The Devil THRONE 6 Techno 0:05:34 24 269 2019-06-11 Favorite Share Remix I Wasn't Ready Mikel Boyles 7 Techno breakbeatchilloutraw 0:04:00 39 841 2016-08-19 Favorite Share Remix Organised violence[DOZI024] BAMP☮T-RecordsD☯ZI Fandabee 8 Techno 0:14:10 22 211 2019-08-12 Favorite Share Remix Milk THRONE 9 Techno 0:05:19 16 138 2019-05-29 Favorite Share Remix