Synthwave Charts, Week #17 / 2024 prev next Digital Beach [200] Followers! Axtros✰靄 1 Synthwave synthwave200newbie 0:01:57 89 1450 2024-03-25 Favorite Share Remix Punishment Batoune & The Brewers 2 Synthwave retrowavebatoune and the brewers 0:03:32 32 684 2024-04-09 Favorite Share HOME - Resonance (Ableton Remake) ryzenn 3 Synthwave homeresonance 0:01:30 27 170 2024-04-07 Favorite Share Summer 98 Batoune & The Brewers 4 Synthwave 0:02:54 13 102 2024-04-08 Favorite Share Revive MumuAxtros✰靄 5 Synthwave mumuaxtros 0:03:44 25 264 2024-04-15 Favorite Share Remix villains arc JackNjelly 6 Synthwave synthwaveeleelectronicaevil 0:05:00 19 182 2024-02-08 Favorite Share Remix deep sleep IN\ erea 7 Synthwave maybe chipy 0:02:08 21 185 2024-04-17 Favorite Share Remix Spooked Waveshaper 8 Synthwave doodlespookwave 0:01:12 49 379 2019-10-27 Favorite Share Remix I'm still alive retro 9 Synthwave 0:01:11 156 3363 2019-10-10 Favorite Share Remix Guitar Lightscape DJ Luca 10 Synthwave retro80sremix 0:03:56 6 76 2024-04-07 Favorite Share