Synthwave Charts, Week #45 / 2020 prev next Covet [Demo] SnioSnio's Archive 1 Synthwave 80scovetilluminate ep 0:03:33 44 480 2020-10-20 Favorite Share Remix Dreams [Demo] SnioSnio's Archive 2 Synthwave 80sdreamsilluminate ep 0:03:53 27 276 2020-10-20 Favorite Share Remix darksynth Nicholas Smith 3 Synthwave darksynth 0:00:30 32 338 2020-10-16 Favorite Share Remix Echoes of the Future Velocistar 4 Synthwave cyberpunk80sretro futureepicmelodicneon 0:04:45 187 6112 2020-10-22 Favorite Share Remix Out Of TIme Luxx 5 Synthwave im not dead 0:02:22 29 177 2020-10-01 Favorite Share ::Databyte Infyuthsion 6 Synthwave synthwaveinfwavetoolcore 0:03:52 69 1558 2020-08-19 Favorite Share Remix