Soundtrack Charts, Week #31 / 2021 prev next ARTIFICIAL 2 |-| .. LAEVENT labs ⚡️ 1 Soundtrack future juke 0:02:21 75 814 2021-07-12 Favorite Share just try to kill me 1trillionMPHLAEVENT labs ⚡️ 2 Soundtrack i eat mercuryi survive anything 0:04:56 61 1197 2021-07-22 Favorite Share Remix The vastness of the sky comforts me Kepz 3 Soundtrack 0:03:31 19 186 2021-07-08 Favorite Share Remix better client alt 4 Soundtrack 0:02:42 11 62 2021-07-21 Favorite Share Remix in the city (fail) lot 5 Soundtrack 0:03:30 18 152 2021-07-21 Favorite Share