Rock Charts, Week #45 / 2024 prev next acquitted naswalt 1 Rock emohardcorepost hardcore 0:03:20 84 2092 2024-10-19 Favorite Share Remix part I naswalt 2 Rock metalcoreemo 0:01:17 34 351 2024-10-25 Favorite Share Remix Your Ass is Grass, Kid 333-i9 3 Rock electronic rockpunkgrungemetal 0:09:26 17 275 2024-10-21 Favorite Share home phone dial tone naswalt 4 Rock emohardcorepunkalternative 0:02:38 70 1634 2024-08-23 Favorite Share Remix Impossible/Fight NeuRotiC 5 Rock metalcorebass guitarbassvocalmetal vocalsmetalbehssynth guitarbreakdownscreamgrowlroar 0:02:32 7 194 2024-10-12 Favorite Share OVERBLOWN virux 6 Rock edmoverblownthrash metalthe weight of unseen eyefast 0:01:48 21 323 2024-09-29 Favorite Share I'D RATHER YOU BE DEAD TheClassicalBasshead 7 Rock metal 0:01:56 13 192 2024-10-26 Favorite Share Remix silhouette, did you eat your shadow? +withdecay 1trillionMPHCarrion Haven 8 Rock 0:05:10 64 1160 2024-07-11 Favorite Share Remix Anvil NeuRotiC 9 Rock metalcorebehsbass guitarmetal 0:02:13 8 121 2024-10-17 Favorite Share Remix horoscope anodyne 10 Rock cinematicthyrsosalbumhurakanclient 0:02:22 109 2350 2024-06-10 Favorite Share