Rock Charts, Week #39 / 2024 prev next home phone dial tone naswalt 1 Rock emohardcorepunkalternative 0:02:38 70 1629 2024-08-23 Favorite Share Remix horoscope anodyneClient 2 Rock cinematicthyrsosalbumhurakanclient 0:02:22 108 2337 2024-06-10 Favorite Share silhouette, did you eat your shadow? +withdecay 1trillionMPHCarrion Haven 3 Rock 0:05:10 63 1151 2024-07-11 Favorite Share Remix when you leave the bassist alone for 2 seconds Kelso The Space MC 4 Rock larrybonezelectricmckelsobassthatsitguitars 0:01:42 18 222 2024-09-15 Favorite Share Don't Love ZëRo 5 Rock art rockalt rockalternative 0:03:30 7 109 2024-09-04 Favorite Share rock and hip hop highterVictoria<3 6 Rock rockpophip hop 0:00:32 8 155 2024-09-17 Favorite Share Remix droms RHYTEXX 7 Rock droms 0:00:19 5 90 2024-09-09 Favorite Share Remix Calling [ATD23 + Dreamhack] Jetdarc 8 Rock anamanaguchi2023dreamhackchiptuneaudiotool day 0:02:44 121 2504 2023-12-01 Favorite Share Remix rock and hip hop the remix .3 highterDudios 9 Rock rockpophip hopremix 0:01:00 16 162 2024-09-18 Favorite Share Remix turn away atelier 10 Rock turn away 0:03:06 32 325 2024-06-27 Favorite Share