Rock Charts, Week #19 / 2024 prev next moving on naswalt 1 Rock alternativepunkmetalcore 0:02:50 99 3269 2024-04-20 Favorite Share Remix break for me naswalt 2 Rock metalcorepunkemo 0:02:57 69 1058 2024-04-22 Favorite Share Remix overgrown naswalt 3 Rock metalmetalcorepunk 0:04:03 56 783 2024-04-24 Favorite Share Remix I left my home Que 4 Rock experimentalrockarmycadenceprogressiveother 0:01:52 18 236 2024-04-10 Favorite Share Remix The Pinnacle Cluster (Feat. Naswalt, Zack and Okin) MeandernitexwlVania (Johan C.) 5 Rock naswaltmeandernitexwlfeedbackdancezackokinmelodythe pinnacle clustervania johan c 0:08:28 22 437 2024-04-06 Favorite Share Remix Sooth Awakening (Quaoar Track 8) Meander 6 Rock meanderdesertstonersolo105 bpmsooth awakening 0:03:28 10 118 2024-04-06 Favorite Share Remix TERROR JUNKIE viruxragdoll (decommissioned) 7 Rock metalindustrialrockthe cost of anger extras 0:03:10 32 482 2024-03-20 Favorite Share I wrote this for my dog (naswalt remix) naswalt 8 Rock 0:03:12 90 1686 2024-03-02 Favorite Share Remix