Rock Charts, Week #13 / 2021 prev next Harmonic minor metal scales NeuRotiCjh217363_ebrschools_orgsexyporngirlsBAD BITCH_69 父 1 Rock metal 0:02:24 13 148 2021-03-04 Favorite Share Remix Boredom NeuRotiC 2 Rock 0:01:46 4 21 2021-03-07 Favorite Share Remix Metal Can't Die!!! NeuRotiCCherryP0P21thecouchkidDragonMaster86MAX 3 Rock 0:03:29 13 111 2021-02-26 Favorite Share Remix Rising Flames (Insert generic 2000's song name here) NeuRotiCwheeliekid12♋17 girl♋madonnathc_gmail_com 4 Rock 0:03:20 2 36 2021-03-13 Favorite Share Remix blink 182/ sum 41 Syncopation type beat NeuRotiC 5 Rock 0:01:17 3 8 2021-03-03 Favorite Share Remix metal blues scale NeuRotiCTeun_002♋17 girl♋jpugh17 6 Rock 0:02:40 11 105 2021-03-02 Favorite Share Remix Bring the trash NeuRotiC 7 Rock 0:01:55 3 5 2021-02-27 Favorite Share Remix This is how to make rock on AT. xD NeuRotiCProdBy. $DSH GRdsolorsanSpider Crab?cloudxytae 8 Rock rock 0:02:32 7 100 2021-02-25 Favorite Share Metal NeuRotiC205249_pcls_net4804258467_students_ocps_net 9 Rock 0:02:16 5 32 2021-02-09 Favorite Share Remix Smoke on the Dope xD NeuRotiCheyitsKARMA999✰alissa 10 Rock 0:01:10 8 81 2021-02-09 Favorite Share Remix