Phonkindustrialexperimentaldrifttrapdarkbrazilianbasshardheavybraziltechnoweirdremixedmhousefunkmetaldrift phonkelectrohardcoreidkebmguitarIndustrial Technonoiseglitchrockdubstepaggresive 1 Entangled in Spin Mircode 1 Industrial experimentalbassbassmusic 0:05:47 44 1395 2025-01-03 Favorite Share Remix 2 The Dark RMX PsySeeD 2 Industrial darkexperimental 0:03:54 27 389 2019-03-27 Favorite Share Remix 3 Snaked away into the distance Mircode 1 Industrial experimentalguitarlostaway 0:02:10 45 402 2021-11-07 Favorite Share 4 FLUID RIDDIM Nix (HIATUS) 1 Industrial weirdexperimentalfluidriddim150bpmnixminimalistic 0:03:28 36 1726 2023-04-16 Favorite Share 5 Blame Another Worldphlote 1 Industrial experimental808hip hopother 0:02:31 19 231 2024-07-27 Favorite Share Remix 6 Worst feeling in the site Roy ↨Greenscoff 1 Industrial experimentaldistorted afmusic to vomit to2022 roy music 0:02:19 18 518 2024-04-09 Favorite Share Remix 7 chrysanthemum arty 1 Industrial trip hopexperimentalpsychedelic 0:02:51 16 137 2020-10-06 Favorite Share Remix 8 CONNECT Nix (HIATUS) 1 Industrial experimentaldnbcolor bassdrum and bass174bpmconnectglitchnix 0:03:29 25 333 2022-06-01 Favorite Share 9 (( FREEDOM )) Nix (HIATUS) 5 Industrial weirdexperimental160bpmindustrialfreedom 0:02:42 16 148 2020-03-29 Favorite Share Remix 10 SAVE ME Nix (HIATUS) 2 Industrial weirdexperimentalfuture bassriddimcolor bass150bpmsavenixglitchminimalistic 0:03:13 23 267 2022-05-30 Favorite Share 11 DEPTHS OF THE VOID - VOL. 1 Nix (HIATUS) 3 Industrial experimentalhardvoidexpressiveriddim150bpmbassvoidcoreinspirationother 0:05:32 18 167 2020-11-06 Favorite Share 12 DEPTHS OF THE VOID - VOL. 2 Nix (HIATUS) 4 Industrial newbieweirdexperimentalvoidriddimsoundtrack150bpmvoidcoreinspirationother 0:04:11 18 135 2020-11-08 Favorite Share