hardcorehardfyetraphardstyleravebass808technogabberspeedcoredubstepbreakbeatuptemporemixhappy hardcorefrenchcoreexperimentaldarkteknohappyHard-technouk hardcorefnfbreakcoreragefastrock1992acid 1 RECKONING XyPhr 6 Hardcore level upfastmini bossdark 0:05:22 21 135 2021-09-17 Favorite Share Remix 2 Jungle St. yurenko Hardcore bongosteknotechnofastjungle 0:07:12 16 155 2018-05-10 Favorite Share Remix 3 stage final kurp 5 Hardcore energeticfastdistorted 0:01:41 11 120 2019-08-17 Favorite Share Remix 4 override kurp Hardcore dubbyfastatmospheric 0:04:06 10 77 2018-03-02 Favorite Share Remix 5 ftpsprint 21 kurp 6 Hardcore electronicdnbfast 0:01:25 10 160 2018-09-08 Favorite Share Remix 6 BOYS ABADDONMOTHICX 5 Hardcore hard200bpmuptempouptempohardcorehardkicksfast200 0:03:58 18 126 2022-04-01 Favorite Share Remix 7 Audiotool Day 2017 - Aringrey Aringrey Hardcore arinnewwavehardukgreyhardcorespyrohappyaringreyfastcore 0:03:58 21 510 2017-12-17 Favorite Share Remix 8 giankotek 01 yurenko 2 Hardcore hardteknohardcorehardtekmelodyfast 0:06:02 11 200 2018-11-04 Favorite Share Remix 9 Playing with Bombs MOTHICX 6 Hardcore fasterupbeatplayingwithbombsbpmuptempo180piepkicksuptempohardcorepiepfast160boombomb 0:04:59 20 114 2022-04-21 Favorite Share 10 BLINDING MOTHICX 8 Hardcore fasterlazerluvblankuptempopiephardkickslaserfastkissblinding 0:04:37 12 91 2022-04-16 Favorite Share Remix 11 Audiotool Day 2017 - Aringrey [DJ EDIT] Aringrey Hardcore arinnewwavehardukgreyhardcorespyrohappyaringreyfastcore 0:04:18 10 336 2018-06-07 Favorite Share Remix 12 Happy and Hardcore goes together. [250] Aringrey Hardcore vulkronuksrphappy hardcoreuuk hard corevulkrondidn'thelpwiththishappy hardcore vulkron aringrey vulkrondidn'thelpwiththis uk ukhardcore ukhardcore u k uok? breakbeat bass srp melody fast veryfast heckyeah hopeyouenjoythisguysheckyeahhardcorebreakbeathappymelodyaringreyenjoyfastbassuok?very fastk 0:02:39 14 210 2016-10-26 Favorite Share Remix