Hardcore Charts, Week #9 / 2020 prev next Jetdarc's 1.5k Follower Remix Comp (Sigius entry) Sigius 1 Hardcore contestjetdarcremix comp 0:03:29 27 398 2020-02-10 Favorite Share Remix Flashbang Nyenoidz 2 Hardcore happy hardcorednbdrum and basshyperenergetic 0:03:24 31 488 2020-01-03 Favorite Share Remix uh so yeah delve 3 Hardcore 0:00:16 23 228 2020-02-03 Favorite Share Remix fuck luce 4 Hardcore 0:00:38 13 179 2020-02-06 Favorite Share Remix NAMAHAGE X NAHT TYPE BEAT WINTER 5 Hardcore nahtnamahagehard 0:03:01 21 244 2020-02-10 Favorite Share Remix [iwannadie] (remastered) asianeyes 6 Hardcore experimentaldarktechnohiphopraplofitrapcrispydarkelectronicdancehousecrushed 0:02:44 5 95 2020-02-09 Favorite Share Remix Noise Clan (Team Noise Clan Entry) Lois Cook14etanBlind HyenaFroxxieLil buTT rAEp™✪ (RIP AT) 7 Hardcore compwordscompfullfrontalnuditymetalcoremusicclashofclansterrorcorecontestterminatorplunderphonixorgyclash of clans cashcompilationskillcompetitioncashofclansgroupgabberbreakcore 0:05:28 13 321 2016-01-26 Favorite Share Remix I C E X WINTER [444] PROD.CJ 8 Hardcore collabwinter 0:01:55 8 107 2020-02-18 Favorite Share Remix put a fukin DONK on it gspin's actual music 9 Hardcore speedcore 0:00:14 21 323 2018-11-01 Favorite Share Remix