Funk Charts, Week #46 / 2022 prev next Words Keep Popping In My Head. (DEMO) ☯[VermontBeatzzz]☯ 1 Funk stevelacyfunkpophyperpopiwishinew 0:00:48 25 294 2022-11-06 Favorite Share metaphors. SUZUMEGrassFields 2 Funk soulneo-soul 0:02:44 8 63 2022-05-06 Favorite Share Good vibes EpicCreator_12345 [丂尺] 3 Funk 0:02:30 11 174 2022-10-12 Favorite Share Remix Sunset Drift Jtro 4 Funk soulchill 0:04:53 3 50 2022-10-13 Favorite Share Guillotine relative mAJOR 5 Funk 0:00:42 33 516 2022-07-18 Favorite Share Remix Maestro Machinations feat. XculE & laevent kiariXculELAEVENT labs ⚡️ 6 Funk glitch hopjazz 0:03:10 72 790 2021-10-28 Favorite Share Remix Can You Hear Me? Ilir Bajri 7 Funk fusionjazzyfast 0:04:07 54 687 2021-11-28 Favorite Share Remix swing, flow (w retro) rai.retro 8 Funk hybridbopmaximalism 0:02:50 312 10118 2021-02-18 Favorite Share Remix an unfinished draft i made with a friend a couple of months ago retro 9 Funk 0:01:25 89 1609 2019-07-12 Favorite Share PROTEAS Tim Derry 10 Funk 7/9funkysunnynoamateurteasgroovyflowers 0:04:00 154 3531 2020-12-24 Favorite Share