Experimental Charts, Week #8 / 2019 prev next semper fortis okin 1 Experimental short 0:01:10 55 1436 2019-01-30 Favorite Share Remix Ok so i messed up Vulkron 2 Experimental riddimbullshitfuckmesideways 0:00:51 95 1816 2019-02-07 Favorite Share Remix not what i was trying to make (Failed Draft 15?) retro 3 Experimental no 0:02:33 30 364 2019-02-08 Favorite Share Remix Experiment Kurea 4 Experimental hi 0:00:27 58 992 2019-02-11 Favorite Share shinto aeiter 5 Experimental 008 0:01:48 19 251 2019-01-27 Favorite Share Remix some yoys but they are actually decent this time Kurea 6 Experimental dubstepepicgaybassyoyok 0:01:35 34 615 2019-01-25 Favorite Share clutter aeiter 7 Experimental messy010clippingismyfriend 0:02:36 24 332 2019-02-06 Favorite Share Remix Naruto Shippuden - dreadful 808Leelo 8 Experimental future bassnaruto808leeloveryrare 0:01:49 34 501 2019-01-26 Favorite Share growly wobs and shit Kurea 9 Experimental dubstepwobepicnotvrkurea 0:00:38 38 655 2019-02-07 Favorite Share too late retro 10 Experimental percleadlickdirtycolognesynthpianopulvdrumbeatbasschordsbruh 0:02:08 28 396 2019-01-24 Favorite Share Remix