EDM Charts, Week #18 / 2023 prev next starstruck noah 1 EDM 0:00:30 38 431 2023-04-10 Favorite Share Old-style edm Vulkron 2 EDM crispylikechickennuggs 0:02:09 70 1389 2023-04-05 Favorite Share Remix new jazz x techno noah 3 EDM 0:00:32 27 320 2023-04-09 Favorite Share How to make the basic edm NYU (hiatus) 4 EDM 0:02:13 30 336 2023-04-10 Favorite Share Remix accidentally closed one of my tabs, but it's xcule dubstep meme XculE 5 EDM funnydubstepclosedaccidentallyxculetabsjoeoneremixtrapmeme 0:02:30 27 498 2023-04-16 Favorite Share Crab Rave x Coffin Dance (Astronomia) Lighter Green MusicTerror's alt 6 EDM crabcoffin dancedance musicraveepicmemeelectro 0:02:33 69 1675 2023-03-28 Favorite Share <3 Pumpkin 7 EDM 0:00:32 27 392 2023-04-14 Favorite Share Glitch Album Trailer (possibly) ⌈CS⌋ RedLights (FL) 8 EDM edmhiphopglitchidkwinterkuhlabsurdtraileralbumhyperedlights 0:03:36 19 177 2023-04-18 Favorite Share Vibes Queen AriaWickiKora 9 EDM chillsmootheedm 0:01:50 32 288 2023-04-25 Favorite Share Ronnie Coleman Screams (Remix) FIERCE 10 EDM big roomelectro housebass housebas 0:02:50 17 253 2023-04-01 Favorite Share Remix