EDM Charts, Week #40 / 2020 prev next vulkron tinkers with a doodle synthy and neo did ages ago Vulkron 1 EDM phatbeets 0:00:45 116 2675 2020-09-04 Favorite Share Remix Depths. ▽Momo▽桃. 2 EDM edmhouse 0:02:56 180 4152 2020-09-20 Favorite Share Living CRXYN 3 EDM bouncy 0:03:29 45 492 2020-09-18 Favorite Share Remix Said - Ohayo! (remix) [VIP] XculE 4 EDM dubstepsaidvipxculeohayoanimeremix 0:02:54 41 517 2020-09-20 Favorite Share Another Chance CRXYN 5 EDM cerixstringsdrop 0:03:14 38 408 2020-09-17 Favorite Share Remix RiMi - Momentum (remix) XculE 6 EDM edmdubstepxculerimiglitch hopanimeremix 0:02:14 58 708 2020-09-01 Favorite Share Null Magma - Outer Jaunt I (remix) [VIP] XculE 7 EDM null magmadubstepvipxculeouter jauntanimeremix 0:03:06 34 397 2020-09-11 Favorite Share Amp Vs Cerix CRXYNAmp7070 8 EDM 0:02:32 32 233 2020-09-16 Favorite Share Remix Dandelions CRXYNAlko 9 EDM alkosummer feeledmcerixyn 0:03:50 34 284 2020-09-11 Favorite Share