Downtempo Charts, Week #52 / 2018 prev next i see you in everything diamondhunterSadlunatic 1 Downtempo lo-fidowntempolofipianodownbeatrussiananimesad 0:01:03 55 715 2018-12-07 Favorite Share Remix Blunt Snowfire 2 Downtempo 0:00:36 21 181 2018-12-04 Favorite Share Remix Puddles Amp7070 3 Downtempo 0:01:56 19 168 2018-12-07 Favorite Share Remix Dead love [♀+♂=death] Sadlunatic 4 Downtempo beautifulslowdowntempochill outlofidownbeatchillwavesad 0:01:12 27 354 2018-11-30 Favorite Share Remix this one's for you dori 5 Downtempo revival 0:03:33 44 368 2018-12-16 Favorite Share scrap Kepz 6 Downtempo 0:06:14 46 598 2018-11-14 Favorite Share Remix Remember when Arcade 7 Downtempo 0:04:48 45 439 2018-10-28 Favorite Share Remix it be like that sometimes shelly boo 8 Downtempo drinkingsuicidallosingitdepressedalonedrugs 0:03:34 19 161 2018-11-13 Favorite Share euphoria. (naut x okin) nautokin 9 Downtempo acousticoriginal piece 0:02:57 130 2951 2018-11-11 Favorite Share Remix Small rush Amp7070 10 Downtempo 0:03:15 24 327 2018-12-16 Favorite Share Remix