Chiptune Charts, Week #28 / 2021 prev next Altered | CeRiXyn X EscapingReality | EscapingRealityCRXYN 1 Chiptune edmcollabescapingrealitycerixyn 0:04:14 117 2481 2021-07-02 Favorite Share Daydream Jetdarc 2 Chiptune 8bitvideogamevgmsimple 0:01:39 46 494 2021-06-10 Favorite Share Remix failed remix of one of retro's tracks Blooome 3 Chiptune 0:01:03 9 85 2021-06-20 Favorite Share Remix Atlantic Paradise Blooome 4 Chiptune sessynthwavechillwatergunsfilledwithpiss 0:02:38 12 95 2021-07-07 Favorite Share Remix 1AM bop Blooome 5 Chiptune bop1amhalfnotchip 0:01:36 4 46 2021-06-28 Favorite Share Remix summer evening blip 6 Chiptune blippulvarp 0:02:00 30 381 2021-06-11 Favorite Share Are You a Pirate? MHFiver 7 Chiptune keygencrackarrr 0:02:52 5 50 2021-07-02 Favorite Share Remix Downstreet 2049 Mircode 8 Chiptune 2049slowfirstchiptune 0:01:59 38 378 2021-05-24 Favorite Share Sakura Smile SOLACEretro 9 Chiptune retro94coolfunarps 0:02:28 46 800 2019-04-24 Favorite Share Remix Lazy Angel 10 Chiptune lazydogsend help my dogs can't stop being lazy 0:02:40 11 61 2021-07-06 Favorite Share Remix