Bass Music Charts, Week #31 / 2022 prev next Void Edge Jetdarc 1 Bass Music almost rockdetunedchaosspeed changeglitch hop? 0:04:25 109 2011 2022-07-17 Favorite Share Remix Fear and Loathing Kibbeyleadenshrew 2 Bass Music onlyifihadonemore140bpmforlifegiveortake5bpm 0:02:54 89 1348 2022-06-30 Favorite Share Remix Sound Design 3 NAO 3 Bass Music riddim 0:00:24 49 590 2022-07-20 Favorite Share an automaton can cry too Advent 4 Bass Music 0:04:42 69 836 2022-07-26 Favorite Share Remix Guys, I used the sample I promise! Vulkron 5 Bass Music lol 0:06:58 46 472 2022-06-30 Favorite Share Remix headsplitter (ft. Aka) okinAkaAku 6 Bass Music riddimbassold school 0:01:36 38 522 2022-07-23 Favorite Share Mellow Mammoth Matters ZackMeander 7 Bass Music meandershiftdnbsnowfirezack150bpm 0:10:21 21 173 2022-07-25 Favorite Share Remix cringe yoy bass house [demo] 3ZE 8 Bass Music 0:01:24 24 150 2022-07-07 Favorite Share Remix Client - ID (XculE Edit) XculE 9 Bass Music colour bassdubstepgrowlxculeclient 0:03:49 26 240 2022-07-09 Favorite Share